A Short Snap Shot of Rabbi Arthur Segal
From Ben at Chabad in Florida:
What I did for R----, our Jewish Chaver in South Africa, I hope I would do for anyone in need and along the
lines of your dvar torah for anyone regardless of religion or national origin. As Jews we have to find ways in our every day lives to give of ourselves and do acts of Chesed not because those acts come back to us, which they do, but because it is right and certainly altruistic and part of G-d's will.
We have the chance many times a day to do G-ds will but are we listening? He puts us in places to have the chance...... our will must line with His to be in shlema, take the leap, do the deed. It will give us more than it gives the receiver of our kindness.
I am a true believer of this principal. I am reading an excellent book on the topic called the " Chesed boomerang." What got this book into my hands I really cannot say but I would recommend it and its
principals to anyone pursuing spiritual renewal and growth, as well as your books. (WWW.JewishSpiritualRenewal.net rabbi's insertion...)
Our generation is tested more than any previous and tomorrow's will have the same issue. Technology blurs many lines between right and wrong.. G-dly and ung-dly. Many times in my readings the sages have already thought of our justifications and warn against them, but they could not have envisioned a world
of microwaves, internet and cable tv. This is a tough distraction as it numbs us.
It makes us ignorant whether we are talking about religion or life in general. Reaching beyond these hindrances to be as holy as we can be is an incredible journey....... the staircase that never ends but taking the steps one at a time is one way to get higher.
In Tractate Yoma, as you mention, the words of Rabbi ben Azarya are true. We have a built in "out" so to speak. We can repent both on Yom Kippur and through teshuvah for both sins to man and G-d. What a deal........the way to truly live is to master who we are and avoid as many sins as we can before they
happen rather than repenting after. This is true Tikkun Olam. It works takes time but it truly can be had by all and the rewarding like you will live as a result is incredibly worth it.
All the best,
Rabbi Arthur Segal
Hebrew College, Newton Centre, MA, USA
Via Shamash Org on-line class service
Jewish Renewal
Jewish Spiritual Renewal
Hilton Head Island, SC;Bluffton, SC, Savannah, GA
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