Hi,Package delivery attempt fail notice on February 6th, 2019 , 09:12 AM.The delivery attempt was unsuccessful due to the fact that nobody was present at the delivery address, so this notice was sent automatically. You may rearrange shipping by visiting the closest United States Postal Service location with the printed shipping invoice provided down below. In case the package is NOT arranged for redelivery within 48 hrs, it is going to be to the shipper.To learn a lot more about Shipping and delivery, please go to the Informed Delivery FAQs.
Rabbi Arthur Segal’s love of people, humanity, and Judaism has him sharing with others “The Wisdom of the Ages” that has been passed on to him. His writings for modern Jews offer Spiritual, Ethical, and eco-Judaic lessons in plain English and with relevance to contemporary lifestyles. He is the author of countless articles, editorials, letters, and blog posts, and he has recently published two books:
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
USPS Delivery Attempt Fail Notice
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