Pope deserves eternal blessing

To The Packet:
With the sadness so many feel with the passing of the pope, we would like to recount a true vignette of His Holiness's life as a 13-year-old.
In 1933, in his small hometown in Poland, he lived on a street among his Jewish neighbors. One Saturday, he knocked on the door of his playmate, Max Nesselroth, now 85 years old. He invited Max to join him to play soccer. Max explained that it was the Jewish Sabbath, a holy day, and that he and his mother would soon be walking to synagogue.
This young Polish boy, living in a country where, seven years later, the undercurrents of centuries of anti-Semitism would boil over into the Holocaust, said to Max, "Go to synagogue with your mother. You will be blessed by God for doing so."
We join with our Catholic brothers and sisters, and those of many other faiths, in feeling the great loss of the Holy Father and we will say kaddish for him. May the name of Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II, be in for an eternal blessing.
Arthur and Ellen Segal
Hilton Head Island
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